Corns are hardened areas of dead skin that form as a result of continual pressure or repetitive friction. Over time, the body forms a hard spot in the skin to protect the underlying structure of the foot. Corns can form on the bottom of the foot or between the toes. Unlike calluses, corns have a central core that can be extremely painful.
Corns sound a lot like calluses, right? Well, they are fairly similar, but there is a difference in the size and shape. Calluses are larger, wider, and tend to have an edge that isn’t as clear. Calluses form from putting pressure on the area as you walk. Calluses can form wherever a lot of pressure is being put on your feet, or over a bony area beneath your toes, on your heel and on the side of your big toe.
Usually, the first step in treating corns is to make sure the shoes you’re wearing are the correct size and shape. Corns that cause little to moderate pain can be treated with moleskin or special pads, or with regular foot soaks and gentle pumicing to remove dead skin.
For more stubborn corns, Dr. Glass can help by paring or trimming the corn to reduce thickness. In some cases, such as when a corn is caused by a hammer toe or bunion, surgery may be needed to correct the underlying problem to keep the corn from recurring.
In most cases, corns can be prevented by choosing shoes with plenty of room in the toe portion of the shoe, also called the toebox. Having your feet professionally measured at a shoe store can also help ensure you buy the shoes that are right for your foot shape – not just the length, but the width as well. For people who require a wide shoe for their toes but have a narrow heel, friction in the heel can be prevented with orthotic inserts. In some cases, you may need inserts specifically developed for your foot to distribute your weight more evenly to prevent the friction that causes corns to form. Dr. Glass will be able to determine which preventive steps are best for you during your evaluation.
We provide comprehensive treatment and professional services to address a wide range of foot and ankle issues. If you are suffering from pain or impaired function, let us know how we can help you by scheduling your appointment today.